念親恩 | 2024/08/29

Growing up, weekend rituals with my father was one of two things:
1) Me playing on the computer in the living room while he watched reruns of old movies on TV (somehow managing to fall asleep during the same scenes every time—is this a dad thing? Or just a my dad thing?), or
2) Going to the electronic store because there was a good sale.
Unfortunately, 10-year-old me couldn’t quite grasp what was going on as my father explained the various parts of a CPU, what makes a faster machine, and the nuances that determined a good sale. And by the time I could understand, I was old enough to wander off on my own, choosing to wait in the CDs section instead.
I’ve since come to regret prioritizing pop culture over personal computer science lectures, but that’s not the point of this story.
Just about every weekend throughout my childhood, my father would pick me up from whatever extracurricular, take me to lunch, create his own detour, and drive us to the electronic store. But there’s one instance that’s stayed with me well over 15 years.
That day, we pulled into the parking lot, like the hundreds of times before, parked the car, and walked toward the automatic sliding doors. As we were about to cross that faux street that stretches between the front doors and parking lot—the street where cars drive 5mph and watch for pedestrians—my father suddenly takes my hand. I must have been at least 15 years old.
I was too stunned to pull my hand back and shared a good laugh with my mom later that day. But I think about this moment a lot and how it foreshadowed much of my adulthood.
When I decided to get my Ph.D. in psychology, my father decided to postpone retirement. Just in case I’d never make a living, he was ready to support me for the rest of my life. More significantly, my father never hinted he was concerned. My mom only relayed this plan to me many years after the fact.
And a year after I joined the monastery, my parents came to visit. I called home shortly after they left to make sure they arrived safely. My mother assured me they were well, and added, “I can sense your father feels at ease now. He can finally relax after seeing, for himself, that you are happy in the monastery.”
Again, I didn’t even know he was worried.
My entire life, my father showed me nothing but support. I always thought he just held a more individualistic viewpoint and didn’t worry much. But just like that Saturday afternoon when he held my teenage-hand to cross the parking lot divide, I’ve come to see my father had always been holding my hand in secret. Thus granting me the freedom to trek every path I’ve ever wanted to explore, but should anything happen, he would’ve already been there to make sure I’d be ok.