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Our Mission

Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute is building the sixteen-year Five Great Treatises curriculum. Many conditions are required for this to happen: guidance from great Buddhist masters, a clear line of lineage of the Buddhist teachings, the desire as a group  to learn together, future classes of nuns who want to carry on this curriculum and last but not least, a strong external supportive environment. Where does the strong supportive environment come from? A grand aspiration to support the nuns in this difficult endeavour!

Inconceivable Merits Just By Sincerely Delighting in the Support of Monastics

The merits accumulated from supporting a monastic in studying and practicing Buddhism cannot be described in words. If we truly felt the happiness from monastics studying and practicing Five Great Treatises, the merits received are inconceivable.

The Buddhist Parables: Ananda Retaining Buddha’s Entire Wisdom, Bhikkuni Gotami Offering Golden Clothes to Buddha, Buddha Personally Attending to an Unwell Monastic, have all recorded boundless and astonishing merits from supporting monastics.

Monastics Giving Their All in Studies, Just to Understand the Path of Attaining Buddhahood

Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute nuns spare no effort in overcoming all the challenges faced in their studies. This is the Legend of the Iron Bow: how a novice nun overcame her obstacles when memorizing the 70,000 word treatise “Differentiating Interpretable and Definitive Meanings: The Essence of Eloquence.”

We Warmly Invite You to Participate in the Continuous Support of Monastic Education at Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute

The first two classes have started learning “Ornament of Clear Knowledge”. There is a class learning “Mind and Mental Factors“, another on “Awareness & Knowledge” and one on “Collected Topics”.

We invite you to join us in supporting the remaining decade of learning in this preeminent curriculum by offering on a monthly basis.

Support us

We invite you to join us in supporting the remaining decade of learning in this preeminent curriculum by offering on a monthly basis. Our goal is to have 8,000 monthly supporters. All offerings will go towards supporting our monastics as they complete the sixteen-year curriculum. Thank you for your support! 
Targeted Number of Monthly Supporters: 8,000, Current: 12.86% 
