收款名稱 Beneficiary Name | Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute Inc. |
收款地址 Beneficiary Address | 46 East Uigg Road, Vernon Bridge, PE C0A 2E0, Canada |
收款電話 Beneficiary Telephone | +1 (902) 215 8129 |
收款賬戶號碼 Beneficiary Account Number | 90803 00073 15 |
銀行名稱 Bank Name | Bank of Nova Scotia |
銀行地址 Bank Address | 552 Main Street, Montague, PE, C0A 1R0, Canada |
Swift Code | NOSCCATT |
Swift Code Address | 44 King Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1H1 |
Canadian Clearing Code | 000233993 |
Canadian Clearing Address | P.O.Box 34063, Halifax, NS B3J 3S1 |
Beneficiary Name | Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute Inc. |
Beneficiary Address | 46 East Uigg Road, Vernon Bridge, PE C0A 2E0, Canada |
Beneficiary Account Number (12 digits) | 90803 00097 17 |
Bank Name | Bank of Nova Scotia |
Swift Code/BIC | NOSCCATT |
Swift Code Address | 44 King Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1H1 |
Canadian Clearing Code | //CC000233993 |
Canadian Clearing Address | P.O.Box 34063, Halifax, NS B3J 3S1 |
Bank Name | Bank of America NA |
Bank Address | 222 Broadway, New York, NY, 10038, United States |
ABA Number | 026009593 |
收款名稱 Beneficiary Name | Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute Inc. |
收款地址 Beneficiary Address | 46 East Uigg Road, Vernon Bridge, PE C0A 2E0, Canada |
收款電話 Beneficiary Telephone | +1 (902) 215 8129 |
收款賬戶號碼 Beneficiary Account Number | 90803 00097 17 |
銀行名稱 Bank Name | Bank of Nova Scotia |
銀行地址 Bank Address | 552 Main Street, Montague, PE, C0A 1R0, Canada |
Swift Code | NOSCCATT |
Swift Code Address | 44 King Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1H1 |
Canadian Clearing Code | 000233993 |
Canadian Clearing Address | P.O.Box 34063, Halifax, NS B3J 3S1 |